Welcome Summer! Except out here in Kansas we are currently enduring a monsoon. It has rained everyday for the last couple weeks! Like flooding and everything. Our backyard is un-mowable in spots and my garden is soaking. It's okay though, because I haven't had to water the yard in weeks! Also - hello mosquito season.
Summer has officially begun around here! School was out May 19! On the last day of school I said goodbye to Cooper Early Ed Center and my sweet babies. I will be missing my little kids this summer. This last year I really connected with my students. I taught some of the SWEETEST little girls and boys and I am so thankful for the opportunity to have taught them, sang with them, and cried with them on the last day of school. It was hard to say good bye!
We had a fun end of the year Carnival! Complete with balloons, popcorn, cotton candy, games, and face painting! Little did I know that I would be accepting a 1st grade position on the last day of school. Ahhhh! Yes - moving up to elementary again!
How many crayon boxes do you think it took to make this wreath? I love it so much! It will be hung in my new classroom at Northridge Elementary in Newton. I will just be transferring within the district. My awesome principal at Cooper landed me the job and I am so thankful for the connections I have made here in Newton.
Room 2!
Messy Office before....
...and totally cleaned afterwards!
I will totally miss Cooper - the people, students, families, and the cheerful building. My new school is only a few blocks away, so thankfully I can visit!
So after all of the school craziness was over and I got all cleaned out of my room, I was able to give Casey Boy some much needed attention! He got a summer haircut! He looks so good! He loves our backyard!
In other news, my little brother, Phil, came to visit us in Hesston!!
Phil and his college friend, Evan, were on a mennonite trip across the country and stopped in for a bit! I had to take them to the Russian Mennonite restaurant in Newton, The BreadBasket. Yum!
We played The Farming Game!
Mennonite Farmer statue in the Newton Athletic Park.
In the few short days I have been on summer break I have completed a project I have been putting off. This window frame is hung in our dining room. It is now filled with Aaron Billings' original photography! A few pictures are from the Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs, CO, Banana peppers from our garden last summer, and a few pictures from the Hesston Dyck Arboretum (Kansas wheat close-up, and a great reflection picture off of the pond). I love it!
Over Memorial Day weekend we were able to make a visit to see the Billings family!
We love Makenah and Logan and had the best time playing all weekend!
Logie LOVES Uncle Bear!!
We are patiently awaiting the arrival of the third Stucky baby! She should be here in the next week - Lord willing!!
Last Sunday Aaron was able to get in a round of golf at Buffalo Dunes golf course in Garden City. It is the 3rd nicest public course in Kansas. I rode along in the golf cart - it really was pretty, even though it was completely cloudy the whole morning. We had a blast! Summer golf league and Softball begins this week! Time for some summer fun!
Love you all!